Guidelines for Coding

All the guidelines should be followed without fail for timely acceptance of the submission and award of the internship. Failure to do so might result in a rejection of your work.

  1. Use R 3.3.0 or higher for coding.

  2. All submitted code files should follow the naming convention as described in the example below. Codes shall not be accepted if the naming convention is not followed strictly as instructed. For example, the code file for the 3rd solved example from chapter 1 (Example 1.3) should be named as "Ex1_3.R".

  3. Mention the page number (as a comment) of every solved example at the top of its associated code. 

  4. If a solved example contains multiple parts such as 'a', 'b' and 'c'. Then all parts are to be solved in a single code file only. A solved example should be associated with only one code file.

  5. If the results contain significant errors with respect to the values given in the proposed textbook (more than 2% deviation in calculations/results). Then kindly copy and paste either or both of the below-mentioned comments at the end of the code as per the situation -

    - The answer may slightly vary due to rounding off values.
    - The answer provided in the textbook is wrong.

  6. Try to obtain the final solution of a code in the same format (fraction, decimal, etc.) and/or units (degree, radian, centigrade, joule, etc.) as given in the proposed textbook. If it can't be done then kindly copy and paste either or both of the below-mentioned comments at the end of the code as per the situation -

    - The answer may vary due to difference in representation.
    - The answer may vary due to the change in units.

  7. Do not reproduce exact or similar problem statements and/or text from the proposed textbook in your code.

  8. Please do not add any comments except those mentioned in (3), (5) and (6).

  9. Do NOT add the command for installing a package in any code file.

  10. Do NOT add any command like "readLines()" to ask for input from the user.

  11. For every solved example marked as non-codable, the contributor should add its image from the textbook (clearly displaying the example number, solution procedure, and the final answer) along with a proper reason for marking it as non-codable in the document which is to be submitted during TBC code submission.