Textbook Companion (TBC) Project Internship
R Textbook Companion (TBC) Project is managed by the FOSSEE project at IIT Bombay. The activity aims to encourage coding of the solved examples of any textbook in R language. We provide internship certificates to all who participate in this activity and successfully submit a TBC.
The procedure is as follows:
1. Learn R. Resources are provided here.
2. Submit a textbook proposal:
A. Login to r.fossee.in, else create a new account if you are a new user.
B. Propose a textbook using the proposal form here.
C. Ensure that the proposed textbook is neither in the list of Completed Books nor in the list of Books in Progress.
3. Intimation about the approval or rejection of the proposal will be informed via email within one week. The approved textbook will appear under Books in Progress.
4. Once approved, start coding only the solved examples of the proposed textbook and submit the codes on the R TBC interface. Make sure to write code for all codable solved examples. Once done submitting all the codes, create a document containing information of the count of all codable and non-codable solved examples along with the reason for marking certain examples as non-codable and their snapshots, as shown in the template here. Submit this document on the R TBC interface after adding the necessary information and mark your submission as complete.
5. Post the IITB internship forms. For further details, click here.
Textbook proposal criteria and sample codes:
Please refer to the video for the detailed demonstration of the guidelines:
A. Make sure that the proposed textbook has at least 80 codable solved examples.
Please choose a textbook for which R codes are NOT available. If a book already has R codes, do NOT select that book for the TBC proposal.
Please do NOT code the solved examples, which include the conversion of code from other languages (C/C++/Python) to R.
B. The examples that are chosen for coding must only be those that are solved inside the book and whose solutions, outputs, or graphs are provided there. You should not choose any problems from exercises or in-chapter examinations. All theoretically solved examples with no computational scope should be excluded.
C. Submit sample R codes (in a .zip file) for the proposed textbook on the R TBC interface. Please make sure that you submit at least five and at most ten sample R codes, each associated with a different solved example. Since these codes will be the only parameter to evaluate your submission, you should write them efficiently i.e. make use of at least one pre-defined function (apart from "c()", "print()", "cat()", "library()", "function()", "return()", "if()", "else()", "ifelse()", "while()", "repeat()", and "for()") and one package (apart from "base", "stats", and "utils"). The sample codes should be submitted utmost by the 3rd day of the proposal. Plagiarism is strictly NOT allowed. All contributors are expected to write fresh code in R. Copy and pasting codes from completed textbook companions of other FLOSS like Python, Scilab, etc., will result in disapproval of the submitted TBC proposal.
D. Make sure that the sample code files strictly follow all the guidelines for coding mentioned here.
Review of the proposed TBC:
- The submitted document shall be analyzed first to check whether any solved example/s marked as non-codable can be coded in R or not. If any solved example/s is/are found to be codable, then the contributor will be informed via mail. Only after the code for all codable solved examples gets submitted will the contributor get the option to mark the code submission as complete.
- After approval of the document, the submitted codes will be reviewed for errors typically taking 14 working days.
- If any code is found to be erroneous, the contributor will have to resubmit the code after making the necessary corrections.
- Once all the submitted codes are error-free, the output of the codes will be verified with the results in the textbook. This process may take up to 45 working days.
- If you submit the codes for review more than once, then they will be queued up with other review requests and will result in subsequent delays and revision of your honorarium.
Contributors who successfully finish their TBC as per the specified procedure will be awarded an internship e-certificate and honorarium.
Terms and Conditions:
- Sample codes are a must and should be submitted for the approval of the proposed textbook.
- Code all codable solved examples of the proposed textbook.
- Submit the codes in 3 months from the date of proposal approval.
- Be regular; else, the TBC proposal will get deleted.
- Use only R to code the solved examples and not any other FLOSS.
- If the total number of codable solved examples in the proposed textbook is less than 80, then the contributor will be paid a reduced honorarium. For further details, click here.
- We cannot provide an honorarium until we receive the IITB internship forms.